Monday, February 3, 2014

A New Antibiotics Protocol

The medicines we must take to treat Lyme.  They can be interesting.

Whenever I get a new prescription for something, I usually go home and look up exactly what the medicine is, what it is used for, side effects, etc…

Here is my new list of meds I just started:

  • Doxycycline
  • Nystatin
  • Azithromycin

I don't know, I just feel like a big petri dish after reading about all of the fungus and mold and other crap they use these medications for.  And, it seems as if this combination is a bit much for me.  I can't hold it in.

Here's a picture for you - imagine having severe bilateral sciatic nerve problems that run from the middle of your back all the way to your toes.  Now, imagine violently vomitting 10 plus times in a row from a sitting position hunched over a garbage can.

It felt like Freddy Krueger was ripping my taint out with each heave.  It happens when I sneeze in that position sometimes, too.

I'll leave you with that image.  I'm exhausted.

Next post - the research I've been doing on highly potent cannabis oils to treat Lyme.  I'm talking about replacing antibiotics totally if possible.  My body can't take 'em orally it seems.  The next step after that for antibiotics is not pretty (IV in heart).   Yeah, that sounds like a fun 2-10 years of living….

Sorry for the lack of replies and lack of communication lately.  Been a rough go, but I'm hanging in there.  I have some fun pictures from the girls' birthday to share when I have the energy to go through them.  They definitely keep me smiling.

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