After writing my last post the other day, "The Increased Amplitude of Emotions", I came across an entry on Reddit linking to a podcast discussing Chronic Lyme Disease and the use of Cannabis Oil (link below). The show touched upon and discussed nearly every topic that I brought up in my post, plus many more. It was one of the best dialogues I've heard, not only regarding Lyme and Cannabis Oil, but just dealing and living with Chronic Lyme Disease in general.
It seems a bit of a coincidence that I happened upon this podcast after writing my last post, especially considering I had also just read an article about being aware of synchronicity in daily life - that I also came across kind of coincidentally. It is what it is…..
High Noon - Cannabis Oil and Lyme Disease
For the next two weeks, I'm going to stay the course with my current treatment protocol. Meaning, I basically will have no freakin' clue what is working and what's not working.
Did I sleep better last night because of the Melatonin? Is that finally working after taking it for a month? Or, perhaps it's the DHEA or maybe the Testosterone injections or the Cannabis Paste or the fact that I overdid it the day before or maybe I'm having a reaction to one of the three antibiotics or some of the other oddball supplements are doing something…….
When I'm asked if the antibiotics are "working", I never know how to answer. Yes, I do feel worse when I take certain ones. Some give me energy. Some make me feel drunk. They all give me incredible headaches the first few days I start them. However, It's hard to say which does which, as I'm always taking at least three antibiotics at the same time.
My supplement protocol is always in flux as well. Plus, I'm now taking high doses of Vitamin D3, low doses of hydrocortisone to help up my cortisol levels, and am still sticking 1cc of of testosterone into my thigh every five days.
Environmental factors play a huge roll in how I'm feeling as well. The smallest stressor, such as a phone call from the Social Security Administration saying that something happened to your paperwork again and that you have to do it all over for the third (fourth?) time, can send one off the rails. Just typing it out again can cause one's heart rate to go up a little. You'll have to trust me on this one right now. Grrr…...
Dealing with two year old twin awesome crazy girls that don't understand how much pain daddy is in can be quite taxing as well. Going to a 30 minute doctors appointment 2 miles down the road usually destroys the rest of the day.
So, yeah, who in the hell knows what is working what isn't. When every single action you take seemingly produces a negative counter reaction, be it from a pill or food or walking to get the mail, it can all get a tad confusing. Throw the brain fog and derealization and other neuro symptoms in on top of all of this, and you get the "Consuela" of the disease world (a Consuela is a horrible, and horribly strong mixed drink, I sort of remember from my college days in Corvallis).
Here's what I do know - this current protocol is killing my insides, destroying everything I have worked so hard for over the past five years. I probably have a better chance of maintaining a healthy gut while on antibiotics than most, simply due to the dietary changes I have made, knowing what to eat, and knowing what to avoid. However, it hasn't even been a month and I am losing the battle of the healthy gut alarmingly fast.
Because I still have two weeks to go on this current regime, I'm not going to make any bold proclamations or lay out any grand plans. Right now, I just have a general outline that I'll fill in as the end of the month approaches.
This basic plan is to finish the current course of antibiotics, stop taking the hydrocortisone and Testosterone when the antibiotics are finished, and to greatly whittle back the use of the supplements. Of course, I will be doing this under the direction of my doctor, as he's quite supportive in these matters.
I recently started experimenting with a new type of concentrated cannabis extract that is commonly referred to as Cannabis Paste. I came across the idea on a website promoting the use of the paste as an alternative to Rick Simpson Oil. You can visit the site here:
I plan on making a full and very detailed post about this in the future. Although I cannot and will not make any claims about the paste now, I will say that I have been sleeping better than I have in YEARS since starting to take it one week ago. I would be happy to answer any questions anyone has the best I can.
My basic reason for experimenting with the paste? I like the simplicity of it and the fact that making it doesn't involve any extract procedures using nasty solvents. Also, the paste requires MUCH less raw cannabis material to make, a HUGE consideration for DIY'ers like me who can't afford to buy, or make, Rick Simpson Oil.
The real test will come in a couple of weeks when I am only using the paste. I already know that using it helps calm my stomach after taking my antibiotic dose, and it also greatly reduces my lower back, hip and SI Joint pain (helping me sleep much longer than normal). Does it produce a Herxenheimer Reaction, though? I know that RSO does. Will the paste?
I'll report back with answers in a few weeks.
thanks for reading.
Here's the link to the podcast again:
High Noon - Cannabis Oil and Lyme Disease
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